SFC Markets and Finance|Abdullah Al Nuaimi: China is a role model for sustainability

2023-12-07 116782阅读

南方财经全媒体记者谢鸿州 阿联酋报道

World leaders, government representatives and delegates are gathering in Dubai for the annual United Nations climate change summit, known as the Conference of the Parties or COP28. Key climate change issues including carbon emissions, energy transition and climate finance are expected to be topping the agenda of the 13-day summit (November 30 to December 12).

To know more details of COP28 UAE and global efforts against climate change, we had an exclusive interview with Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, the former Minister of Climate Change and Environment of the UAE, who was part of the country's successful bid to hold the event.

"I believe that the United Arab Emirates, from my experience during the 40 years, is going to make COP28 an event that has never been seen before," Dr. Al Nuaimi told us he was confident that the event is going to be a success with fruitful outcomes.

Before being the Minister of Climate Change and Environment, Dr. Al Nuaimi also spent 7 years working as the Minister of Infrastructure Development. During the interview, he spoke highly of the Belt and Road Initiative, of which the UAE has long been an active participant. 

The UAE benefits from BRI in three ways

SFC Markets and Finance: We know that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the UAE is one of the earliest adopters of the initiative. Can you share with us some of the projects that you were involved in during a time in the government? And in what ways has the BRI benefited the UAE in terms of sustainable development?

Al Nuaimi: I can think of three ways on how the United Arab Emirates benefits from the BRI. As you know, the BRI is two stages. One is the silk road and the other is the silk ports. And then both we have participated and participated very well. For that we benefit from it economically. The United Arab Emirates, of course, is known to be a hub for trades between the East and West. And if you are part of this initiative, you find yourself growing economically, because simply your geographical location helps you. And your participation in such projects makes you also part of the biggest project that has been seen so far in the whole universe that is when they started about 2013 in China. That was the time when almost 150 countries and organization pulled in to really participate on this visionary thing.

The second is that we make good ties. We improve the ties with China. Today, as you see that we have probably, we are the second in trading with China. We are the first of non-oil trading country with China. So these are something that we have benefited from this.

Third is for future prosperity. Because you have opportunities on this. If you are part of this BRI initiative, you also have that opportunity in an uncertainty that we've been seeing after COVID-19: whether trade could continue, whether trade could make different visionary thought.

So, when you are part of this initiative, you make sense that you benefit from any future opportunities that you might be planning for.

COP28 will be an event never seen before

SFC Markets and Finance: We know you were involved with the successful bid for hosting cop28 in 2023, so is there any detail you could share with us? And what are the country's goals and expectations for the event?

Al Nuaimi: At the time that was my last job I had within the government. It was being the Minister of Climate Change. And during that period, it was a short period, about less than 2 years. During that period, we had this opportunity to really consider hosting this big event. And then we the government of the United Arab Emirates looked into this opportunity as a positive initiative and we competed with others and we went into a competition. I was at the time when starting the competition and we remained along with Korea. So, both states, Korea and the United Arab Emirates thought of hosting this great event.

SFC Markets and Finance|Abdullah Al Nuaimi: China is a role model for sustainability

And in Glasgow, the vote was at that time. I was no longer having my position as the Minister of Climate Change but the file was given to His Excellency Sultan Al Jaber who was doing great on participation and anticipation of what is going to happen. 

My expectations in COPs generally, I don't want to single out COP28, but I believe that the United Arab Emirates from my experience during the 40 years is going to make COP28 an event that has never been seen before.

We can see what has been announced so far. We have seen the engagement of the society that has not been done before. We have seen the engagement of youth that has been done in the previous COPs, in a low profile. We have seen actually the biggest engagement of the government where it's no longer an event that would probably take that 20 or 21 days and then we would go. We are looking into the whole universe to be part of this COP28, and make good for the atmosphere, make good for the earth. The more the engagement, the more the benefit.

The abundant of wisdom

SFC Markets and Finance: Ok, so going back to the UAE. We know that the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Initiative is quite ambitious and bold. As one of the world's biggest oil-producing nations, why the UAE is motivated to develop this 2050 initiative? And could you share with us some of the strategies and measures the UAE is undertaking to achieve these goals? 

Al Nuaimi: That is what I have wrote about in one of the reputed journals. I called it the abundant of wisdom. It's very essential to think of that. Because the United Arab Emirates leadership, about 20 years ago, thought of having solar field, thought of having a less pollutant plant, nuclear power generation plants. People from outside would think a country that has a reserve of hundred billion tons of oil, why should they do that? That is what I call the abundant of wisdom. You have a lot. But you have the wisdom to know that this is exhaustible.

If you really think of the future, if you really think of the generation to come, if you really think of sustainability in its best format, you really need to think of how would I compensate for what I am doing today with pollutant gases, with the fossil fuel, can I reduce of it? Can I add another mix to the requirement and that is what is happening in here. Looking into solar, looking into wind, looking into nuclear. So, this mix of fuels is a wisdom.

So, having an option of renewables today or the new technologies today that could be available if oil and gas is exhausted, or if the technology migrated from oil and gas into new technologies, the United Arab Emirates or any country that thought of the abundant of wisdom would actually be ready to make their life sustainable and continuous.

SFC: So, could you also discuss the potential economic benefits and job opportunities that may arise from sustainability efforts?

Al Nuaimi: Sustainability, no doubt, is the future of the whole societies. Now to be sustainable is a new era that they would be seeing the whole societies today are being educated in sustainability. Everybody is speaking about sustainability. Sustainability became in school. Sustainability became in way of thinking. Sustainability became in way of doing things.

So, while working on sustainability, you're not only impacting the future generation, but you are impacting the real life today. One of the articles I wrote about, "How to make sustainability work?". This time it is not taking it to institutions. Actually, it is taking to kindergartens, to the kids, to the little boys.

With that, naturally there would be new jobs opportunities. Today, when you're tested for a job, they really look into your sustainable behavior in way of thinking, sustainable of the way you're sitting. So, that comes part of even interviewing people for a job.

So, I think the sustainability is taking a huge part of our life and it would continue with us. We would generate future jobs, future behaviors that would generate different societies as well.

China is a role model for sustainability

SFC: How do we envision the UAE's role in advancing global sustainability goals and also climate efforts? And in terms of international cooperation, China is also an active player in fighting the climate change. How does the cooperation between the two countries contribute to advancing these sustainability goals?

Al Nuaimi: The relationship between the two countries has have seen great improvement for the last 20 years or so. We have Chinese companies operating our ports here in Abu Dhabi. We have the United Arab Emirates participating on the built road up artist painting and funding the banks that deals with this. I think the two countries, particularly China is really serious about renewable and about renewable energy. China has the biggest solar park. Out of five biggest solar parks, China has the biggest two. The other two are India and between them, the third is the one in Egypt. So, we have China a role model for sustainability. We have China a good role model for improving the climate by introducing solar energy to their energy books.

So, I believe in this relationship, particularly when it comes to the science cooperation and research works. That's what we really need to see between China and others. Not only the United Arab Emirates. Because that is where you can get into the real knowledge.






拍摄:王沛然 卢如钢

新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪

海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬

